Coordinates window

Coordinates window


This window allows you to enter a point by inserting its coordinates. The window can stay open during the work session.


The window consists of several pages that let you insert the coordinates in various ways:

  • Absolute coordinates page

  • Incremental coordinates page

  • Polar coordinates page



Absolute coordinates page

This page lets you insert a point by the immediate entering of its coordinates. The coordinates values are inserted separately in the X and Y input fields.

Checkboxes of the X and Y input fields

If the check box is checked the corresponding coordinate is locked; the inserted point will have the inserted value for the corresponding coordinate; in interactive inserting the echo displays the situation.

X and Y input fields

Contain the values for the x and y coordinates. With the input of a new point (input by mouse included) the fields are automatically updated by the new coordinates values. The values can then be reused for the input of the subsequent point. In the fields you can insert expressions that use the same syntax as the Calculator window.

By use of the arrow keys you can recall the last 10 inputs made in the respective input field.

X= and Y= buttons

Call X = and Y = commands respectively that let you set the x coordinate (by use of X=) or the y coordinate (by use of Y=) equivalent to the coordinate value of the selected point. The commands lock the respective coordinate.

Ix= e Iy= buttons

Call Increase in X and Increase in Y commands respectively that let you define an increase of the x coordinate (by use of lx=) or the y coordinate (by use of ly=) with regard to the last selected point, i.e. with regard to the value displayed in the respective X or Y input field. The commands lock the respective coordinate.

Dx= e Dy= buttons

Call respectively the Distance in X and Distance in Y commands that let you define an increase of the x coordinate (Dx=) or the y coordinate (Dy=) in relation to the next point to be inserted. In interactive inserting the echo displays the situation.


Inserts the point with the coordinates values that are defined in the X and Y input fields.



Incremental coordinates page

This page lets you insert a point by the definition of the increase of its coordinates with regard to the last inserted point.

Dx and Dy input fields

Contain the increase values for the x and y coordinates. By use of the arrow keys you can recall the last 10 inputs made in the respective input field.


Inserts the point with the coordinates values that equal the coordinates of the last inserted point plus the increases defined in the Dx and Dy input fields.



Polar coordinates page

This page lets you insert a point by the definition of a distance to the last inserted point and an angle with respect to the X axis.


Is the value that defines the distance of the next point to be inserted from the last inserted point.

By use of the arrow keys you can recall the last 10 inputs made in the input field.


Is the inclination of the next point to be inserted with respect to the X axis in relation to the last inserted point. A positive value means an angle in anticlockwise direction.

By use of the arrow keys you can recall the last 10 inputs made in the input field

D= button

Calls the Length = command that retrieves a length from the selected entity. The value is inserted in the Distance field.

A= button

Calls the Angle = command that requires the selection of an entity to calculate the angle the entity forms with respect to the X axis. The value is inserted in the Angle field.

A3pt= button

Calls the Angle 3 points command that requires the selection of 3 points to retrieve the angle formed by these three points with the second point as vertex. The value is inserted in the Angle field.


Inserts the point with x and y coordinates obtained from the last inserted point at a distance and at an angle equal to the values inserted in the Distance and the Angle input fields.